What made you get a Planta Greenhouse?
Best quality, made in Germany, definitely worth buying!! Worth every penny, won’t blow down either
What competitors did you consider before purchasing from Planta Greenhouses?
A few other ones but researching made it easy to choose this brand, definitely buy this one
Why did you choose to buy from Planta Greenhouses?
German engineered, so over engineered, that explains it all buy it
What do you grow inside your greenhouse?
Carrots, green onions, tomatoes, jalapeño bunch of stuff, green beans, still getting more planters , will have more soon to grow
How did your Planta Greenhouse improve your gardening experience?
Just so easy, makes a big difference growing and keeps animals and other rodents out, other then the dogs eating the cherry tomatoes lol he loves them
What was your experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
Easy to buy, just credit card online and 10 mins of my time, worth the purchance
What's your favourite thing about the Planta Greenhouse?
Makes life easy, definitely able to grow lots, buy the auto vents in the ceiling!! Other then that growing fresh food
What would you say to a person considering purchasing a Planta Greenhouse?
Buy it!!
What do you grow in your greenhouse?
Green peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, chives, potatoes, hot peppers. Green onions.
What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
Looked at a few, and found out this one was designed by Germans, so probably way over-engineered so figured it was the best bet, definitely was a good choice.
How was your online shopping experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
It was good. Picked it up in Toronto, pretty quick to get to the store.
How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
First year using it, but things are growing!! Will know probably in another month, looking forward to it though, definitely worth getting! Will purchase again.
What's your favourite thing about the greenhouse?
How strong it is, held up to 100k winds, and definitely gets warm inside, recommend the auto fan that you can buy, but definitely over-engineered in this case it’s good.
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