Our fig tree made it through the winter!

What made you get a Planta Greenhouse?
We wanted to redo our garden area and come up with some unique ideas that would be neater and more functional. Also we had accumulated many items that could be utilized in a greenhouse setting and have some protection
What competitors did you consider before purchasing from Planta Greenhouses?
I was searching online for ideas. Planta website was attractive and user friendly. I could navigate it pretty easily. I never really did a lot of comparing except with big stores locally. But I never saw anything that compared with what I saw on Planta site
Why did you choose to buy from Planta Greenhouses?
It was not complicated to order and I liked the ability to compare the different styles so I could make an informed decision. I seemed to get answers to my questions easily enough
What do you grow inside your greenhouse?
It’s spring so we are working on two raised beds that have salad greens, radishes, and spinach. The other one has beets which we have been able to thin out and put outside some in the ground. We started some seeds some success, some not. We are still learning. I have a fig tree that made it through the winter with a little protection. It is coming along nicely. We re doing a lot of experimenting and transplanting flowers
How did your Planta Greenhouse improve your gardening experience?
It’s a nice learning experience for me my kids and my grandkids too. We can store a lot of things in there that are all garden related. My son that is gradually moving here has a lot of useful things we put in there like a sink with a large counter space. Also another storage unit with workspace on top
What was your experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
It was very easy to order and whenever I have questions there is someone that gets back with me in a timely manner. I like having an extension to go to as well
If I have an email response ,I get a response pretty quickly
What's your favourite thing about the Planta Greenhouse?
It sits up on a high spot in the garden area and is attractive to look at. Also it has been a good way to escape for a change of scenery from in the house. It’s convenient to have all garden supplies in one place
What would you say to a person considering purchasing a Planta Greenhouse?
It has been an attraction to several friends who enjoy gardening too. If you want to expand the growing experience and learning about plants and their habits , it is a fun project to do. My kids and grandkids also learn new things too
Anything else you’d like to add?
One problem we are encountering is a few leaky areas when it rains hard. Not sure about what to do with that. My kids were pretty careful when installing it so I hope it doesn’t get to be a bigger problem. Other than that it has been a fun project
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