Last year I had two potato harvest because I started them so early

What made you get a Planta Greenhouse?
A friend who is a market gardener has a larger Sungrow. I was happy to find that a smaller version was available. I live in a valley and had to choose a location that got enough sun from early spring until late fall, and space was a bit of an issue. The Sungrow Urban is a great fit, both for location and, as I am a senior, it suits me for what I can grow while leaving me space for a couple of chairs and a small table so that I can appreciate the warmth on a sunny day mid-winter. It's great to sit in there, enjoying the well above freezing temperatures, while sipping tea and appreciating the spring reminiscent scent of the soil in my largest pots.

What competitors did you consider before purchasing from Planta Greenhouses?
I was hooked on the Planta the first time I saw one and shopped no further!

Why did you choose to buy from Planta Greenhouses?
Planta's reputation was strong, so many people had written positive reviews I knew it was the greenhouse I wanted.

What do you grow inside your greenhouse?
I grow lettuce almost year-round. I start most of my other plants, herbs, beans, squash, and red peppers in small or large pots for transfer outside. Last year, I grew ginger, started from a cutting when a piece of ginger I left on my kitchen counter started to sprout a root. I needed the extended season to make it work, and the greenhouse was a perfect place to start it and extend the growing season last fall. I had great success! This February, I put some old potatoes that had sprouted in large pots in my greenhouse, and by early March, I had potato greenery shooting up. Because I have limited sunshine in my valley, I leave my red peppers in large pots outside the greenhouse, then move them inside the greenhouse early fall to allow them to ripen properly.

How did your Planta Greenhouse improve your gardening experience?
I am able to grow much more than I used to be able to, adding peppers, and ginger, and giving me a head start on the growing season for other vegetables. Last year, I had two potato harvests because I started them so early, first in the greenhouse in very large pots, then in the garden. This year, because I got such an early start I am sure I will get three harvests.

What was your experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
It was very easy to order my Planta Greenhouse and delivery was quick and convenient. We only made one mistake when assembling the greenhouse, we called Planta and they talked us through what to do to get back on track.

What's your favourite thing about the Planta Greenhouse?
I love looking out my window and seeing my greenhouse, it always makes me smile. I know that if I want some quiet time I can go into the greenhouse year-round. Even when it's covered in snow there is something magical about being in there. I spend a lot of time in the greenhouse!

What would you say to a person considering purchasing a Planta Greenhouse?
If I know someone enjoys gardening, be it vegetables, herbs, or flowers I always suggest getting a Planta Greenhouse.

Greenhouse From This Story

Sungrow Urban
Sungrow Urban
Size: 10' × 13' × 8'
Regular price $2,850 USD
Regular price $3,050 USD Save $200 Sale Sale price $2,850 USD
Sold out