The Ultimate Guide to Elevating Your Greenhouse With Hanging Plants

Have you ever roamed around your greenhouse, eyeing each nook and cranny, wondering where the next plant could possibly go? The solution lies above – with hanging plants.

These vertical wonders are more than space-savers; they add a new dimension of beauty, turning your greenhouse into a three-dimensional paradise.

From cascading vines to floating flowers, hanging plants turn spatial limits into creative opportunities.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  1. Why Hang Plants From Your Greenhouse Roof?
  2. What are the Best Plants to Hang?
  3. Getting Your Greenhouse Ceiling Ready
  4. Care Tips for Your Hanging Greenery
  5. Turning Your Greenhouse into a Hanging Garden

1. Why Hang Plants From Your Greenhouse Roof?

First things first – let’s explore the benefits of utilizing your vertical space for a hanging garden.

  • Maximize Limited Ground Space

When the greenhouse floor is packed, remember: the sky's the limit! Hanging plants from the ceiling is like adding a second story to your greenhouse, offering a creative solution to grow more with the same amount of space

  • Promote Airflow to Your Plants

When you hang your plants from the ceiling, you give them more room to breathe. As a bonus – enhanced airflow reduces the risk of mold and mildew, keeping your plants healthy and happy

  • Increase Sunlight Exposure

Hanging plants high allows them to soak up the sunshine from all angles throughout the day, ensuring better growth and less shading compared to their ground-level peers.

  • Add an Aesthetic Appeal

Imagine walking into your greenhouse under a canopy of lush, hanging greenery. It adds an extraordinary layer of beauty, transforming your greenhouse space into a stunning multi-level garden.

2. What are the Best Plants to Hang?

Picking the right residents for your hanging garden is crucial. Do your research and choose wisely – not every plant loves the high life. Focus on plants that won’t obstruct too much light, are relatively lightweight, and are naturally inclined to dangle.

Our top recommendations for your hanging garden:

  • Edible Options: Small, air-friendly edibles like strawberries and cherry tomatoes are perfect, as the elevation will help them stay clear of ground pests. Small peppers and aromatic herbs like basil and thyme also excel in hanging baskets.

  • Flower Favorites: Brighten your vertical space with colorful blooms like petunias, impatiens, or vibrant nasturtiums. For a cascading effect, lobelia, begonias, or the showstopping elegance of fuchsia are unmatched.


3. Getting Your Greenhouse Ceiling Ready

Before you dive into the exciting task of hanging your plants, take a moment to map out your plan of action. Here are a few key points to get you started:

  • Safety First: Ensuring Structural Integrity

Your first step should always be to verify that your greenhouse can handle the extra weight of hanging plants. Planta Greenhouses are equipped with robust galvanized steel frames, perfectly suited to support the weight of a lush, hanging garden.

  • Selecting the Right Anchors

Choose durable hooks and brackets that securely attach to the frame of your greenhouse. Please note that it's essential to attach them to the structure itself rather than the panels to ensure they hold the weight of the plants – particularly when they've been watered.

  • Placement Strategy

Hang your plants thoughtfully to prevent them from overcrowding or overshadowing each other. Position plants that crave sunlight in the center, while those needing less light can be placed towards the edges of your greenhouse.

  • Choosing Suitable Pots 

For hanging plants, prioritize lightweight materials like plastic, clay, or fabric pots. These materials offer a practical balance – they're light enough for safe hanging yet provide ample drainage and aesthetic appeal, fitting perfectly with your greenhouse's capacity and design.


4. Care Tips for Your Hanging Greenery

Transforming your greenhouse with hanging plants not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also invites a new approach to plant care. Here are some key aspects to consider for keeping your hanging greenery healthy and vibrant:

  • Light and Water

Hanging plants in a greenhouse environment often require more attention in terms of light and water. Due to their elevation, they might get more exposure to sunlight while also drying out faster than plants on the ground. Regular monitoring of each plant’s specific light needs, coupled with frequent watering, will ensure they remain healthy and continue to flourish.

  • Easy Access

Position your hanging plants so that they're within comfortable reach. This strategic placement makes routine tasks like watering, pruning, and general care more convenient and enjoyable, ensuring that your plants get consistent attention.

  • Air Circulation

Good airflow is vital for hanging plants, helping to prevent fungal diseases, and keeping away pests. Ensure there's enough space between your plants and that your greenhouse has enough air circulation by opening windows or using a fan.


Turn Your Greenhouse into a Hanging Garden

Hanging plants are more than just clever space-savers; they reinvent your greenhouse into a lush, layered garden retreat. With the tips outlined in this article, you're all set to add that vibrant, vertical dimension to your green sanctuary.

Not sure how to kick off your hanging garden? Start with a peek at our inspiration gallery, packed with unique setups from other Planta Greenhouse owners. And if you hit a snag or have a question, our friendly greenhouse pros are just a message away.

So, the next time you're eyeing that new plant and wondering where on earth to put it,  just remember – the solution is waiting right above you.


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