The most suitable for the Quebec winter


What do you grow in your greenhouse?
Au printemps j’ai transféré tout mes semis de fleurs dans la serre puis ce fut le tour des Poivrons. J’ai partis mes semis de carottes directement dans la terre carottes. En pot j’ai des plants de fèves, concombres et zuchinis. Divers plants de fleur ont été partis dans la serre pour ma décoration extérieur.

What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
Des fabrications en bois et autres du Québec mais Plants Greenhouse est celle qui semble le plus adapté au hiver québécois.

How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
Je n’avais pas de succès avec le potager car la saison est trop courte mais avec la serre tout est différent. Tomates et poivrons sont un succès cette année.

What's your favourite thing about the greenhouse?
A vrai dire tout est parfait. A ce jour je n’ai que du positif à écrire. Tout pousse très bien.


What do you grow in your greenhouse?
In spring, I transferred all my flower seedlings into the greenhouse, followed by the peppers. I started my carrot seedlings directly in the carrot bed. In pots, I have bean, cucumber, and zucchini plants. Various flower plants were also placed in the greenhouse for my outdoor decoration.

What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
I considered wooden and other brands from Quebec, but Planta Greenhouse seems to be the most suitable for the Quebec winter.

How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
I didn't have much success with gardening because the season is too short, but with the greenhouse, everything is different. Tomatoes and peppers are a success this year.

What's your favorite thing about the greenhouse?
To be honest, everything is perfect. So far, I have only positive things to say. Everything grows very well.

Greenhouse From This Story

Sungrow 20
Sungrow 20
Size: 10' × 19.5' × 8'
Regular price $3,500 USD
Regular price $3,800 USD Save $300 Sale Sale price $3,500 USD
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