Everything is still healthy and ripening well into October
What do you grow in your greenhouse?
I grow tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.
How did this greenhouse change your growing season?
Everything is still healthy and ripening well into October. Overwintering all of my large potted herbs. Will soon be planting spinach, other leafy greens and brassicas for the late winter / early spring shoulder season.
How was your experience buying from Planta Greenhouses?
The buying experience was easy. Arrived when expected with no damage.
What's your favourite thing about your Planta Greenhouse?
Very sturdy. Expect it will hold up well to snowload and possible strong winds here on the Atlantic coast.
What do you want to say to a person considering buying a Planta Greenhouse?
This will be a great investment. Expect it will last a very long time with care and occasional maintenance.
What year did you install this greenhouse?