Venturing into New Veggies

What do you grow in your greenhouse?
Currently growing tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, green and red peppers along with companion plants.

What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
We looked at other brands and styles but were drawn to the sun-grow urban due to its structure (galvanized steel) and design ( wind and snow load resistant) which we thought would best suit our winter conditions.

How was your online shopping experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
Shopping for the greenhouse online was easy. We were also able to get our questions answered directly by a representative quite easily as well.

How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
This is our first year using the greenhouse. We were able to harden off some of our seedlings and other plants this spring. We are also trying to grow vegetables like green peppers and eggplant which have had limited success with in the past or not tried to grow.

What's your favourite thing about the greenhouse?
Watching the plants grow on a daily basis. We also like the self-opening windows on the top of the greenhouse that help regulate the temperature and the fact that entry can be gained at either end of the greenhouse.

Greenhouse From This Story

Sungrow Urban
Sungrow Urban
Size: 10' × 13' × 8'
Regular price $2,750 USD
Regular price $2,950 USD Save $200 Sale Sale price $2,750 USD
Sold out