It’s my favourite place to go

What do you grow in your greenhouse?
Tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, lettuce, peas, watermelon, pumpkin, oregano, spearmint, thyme, corn, lettuce, kale, apple, cherry, luffa, and orange trees.
What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
Looked at the cheap plastic kits. Made a temporary one out of old windows.
How was your online shopping experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
Very easy and straightforward. I have heard about the wonderful customer service but haven’t needed to contact them.
How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
Greatly improved my conditions and extended my growing season. The weather hasn’t been great this year, so my outside gardens have been struggling. But everything inside my greenhouse has been doing amazing!
What's your favourite thing about the greenhouse?
The extended growing season. The warmth on chilly days. It’s my favourite place to go.
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