9 Reasons Why a Planta Greenhouse is Perfect for Snowy Winters

The days are shorter, the wind is colder, and the world is shrouded in a blanket of icy white snow. For many avid gardeners, this may be an obvious time to take a break from your passion.

But wouldn't it be magical to have a warm, welcoming space full of new life in the dead of winter? With a Planta Greenhouse, you can.

Our DIY greenhouse kits are known for their impressive strength and long-lasting durability, so we reached out to hundreds of Planta customers to share their experience with their greenhouses this season. We’ve received hundreds of pictures of DIY backyard greenhouses hiding under thick snow all the way from Alaska, Yukon and across North America.

We wanted to share the pictures we’ve received from our community and look at 9 reasons why a Planta Greenhouse is perfect for snowy winters.

1. Planta Greenhouses Can Handle Heavy Snow Loads

All of our greenhouses are designed to thrive during the winter months. The sturdy structure can handle one of the heaviest snow loads among all DIY greenhouse kits on the market – up to 98 psf (480kg/square meter).

"The durability... Where I live, we can get a lot of snow in a short amount of time. For instance, we received about 2.5 feet in one day, followed by almost another foot. The frame has handled the snow load without a problem."
Martin Germain | Oak Creek, Colorado, USA


View Martin’s Story

2. The Structure is Wind Resistant

Every aspect of a Planta Greenhouse is built for the windiest climates. From the curved bell shape to the thick polycarbonate, the galvanized steel frame and the metal fastening bands – everything is carefully designed to resist those frosty winter gusts up to 65 mph (100 km/h).

"What's my favourite thing? That's hard to narrow down. In the end, it's knowing it can handle the gale-force winds and heavy lake-effect snow in our area with no problem! We recently had gusts over 65 miles per hour over a couple of days, and then we got dumped on with over a foot of snow!"
Stacy Broas | West Olive, Michigan, USA



View Stacy's Story

3. You Can Grow Food In The Thick of Winter

Many of our customers have been able to harvest fruits, vegetables, and a variety of other plants well into the fall and winter months. The enclosed, heat-capturing space has allowed gardeners to extend their planting season anywhere from 4 weeks to growing year-round.

"I am eating the fresh greens right now, Jan. 8, 2022. I cut fresh herbs frequently. I picked the last tomatoes to ripen inside just before Christmas, and we still have a few left to eat. I’m going to plant some new lettuces in the next few days. So having the greenhouse has made it so that my growing (and enjoying) season does not seem to end."
Roger & Patricia Luckey | Nelson, British Columbia, Canada


View Roger & Patricia’s Story

4. Planta Greenhouses Are Crafted with Quality Materials

Planta Greenhouses are constructed with solid, long-lasting materials that hold up wonderfully in the snow. The heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and strong polycarbonate panels ensure your DIY greenhouse kit is shatter-proof, UV-protected, and will keep your plants safe from the harsh winter weather.

"We absolutely love how solid the construction is. The durability and longevity of the products it's constructed of make it perfect for our climate. Wind/snow is no problem for this greenhouse."
Kyle Montgomery | Prince George, British Columbia, Canada



View Kyle’s Story

5. Bring Spring Early 

Get a head start on your growing season! Several of our customers are able to start seedlings in their greenhouse weeks or even months before they normally would’ve been able to. The best part is this gives gardeners an opportunity to maximize their planting season and harvest more throughout the year.

"I love having a cozy space to start seedlings and watch them grow in early spring when we still have feet of snow in the yard, and it's impossible to begin a garden for several more months. It brings us an early Spring!"
April Westfall | South Lake Tahoe, California, USA


View April’s Story

6. The Planta Greenhouse is Highly Insulated Inside

Planta greenhouses retain heat and sunlight like no other. The thick polycarbonate panels and airtight sealing will keep the interior feeling toasty long after the warmth of summer has faded. Even in an unheated greenhouse, many Planta customers have described the remarkable difference in temperature compared to outdoors.

"Frost usually begins at the end of September and early October. As an experiment, I grew hardy plants like kale, thyme, onions which continued growing in the unheated greenhouse into December. (Daytime temperatures on a sunny day inside the greenhouse reached between 10-15C while the outside temperature was -10C or colder.)."
Mike Pushka | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada



View Mike’s Story

7. Grow a Wider Variety of Plants Even While It’s Snowing Outside

    The warmth and protection of a Planta Greenhouse allow gardeners to grow a diverse selection of warm-season and cold-hardy crops, even while it’s snowing outside! Some of the plants continuing to flourish in our customers' greenhouses in the middle of winter include:

    • Tomatoes
    • Peppers
    • Cucumbers
    • Lettuce
    • Herbs
    • Beans
    • Onions
    • Beets
    • Broccoli
    • Brussels Sprouts
    • Zucchini
    • Squash

    "We are now able to grow 3 seasons. And can have the citrus plants we wanted in a protected environment... We have incandescent lights in the greenhouse during the winter that go in once the temperature drops below 10 degrees to protect the citrus trees. It is a joy to look out my window and know something is thriving in there."
    Michelle Smith | Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada


    View Michelle’s Story

    8. Planta Greenhouse’s Smooth, Bell-shaped Design Sheds Snow Easily

    Our Sungrow Greenhouses are designed to shed snow easily. The bell-shaped structure allows the wind, snow, rain, and hail to slide off the sides without sustaining any damage. This smooth, sloped shape works exceptionally well in areas with heavy snowfall.

    "The gothic design of the Sungrow sheds snow beautifully. We normally have very heavy snow accumulation. The greenhouse does not show any weakening, nor any other negative effects from it, or from strong winds. It's a wonderfully engineered structure."
    John Hane | Irasburg, Northeast Kingdom, Vermont, USA



    View John’s Story

    9. Suitable for the Most Extreme Winter Climates

    The sturdy construction and tough materials can withstand severe winter weather and the challenges of growing in high-altitude climates. You can find Planta Greenhouses in the most remote areas of North America, such as Alaska, Yukon, Wyoming, and beyond.

    If it works for remote territories, it will work for you!

    So start exploring our most heavy-duty Greenhouses for sale in Ontario, New York, Saskatchewan, and beyond. The team at Planta Greenhouses will help find the best solution for your growing needs.

    View Customer Stories   Shop Greenhouses


    Jena Deck
    Juneau, Alaska, USA 

    Daniel Beaudoin
    Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada 

    Hadley Pape
    Daniel, Wyoming, USA

    View Jena’s Story

    View Daniel’s Story

    View Hadley’s Story


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